Uma crítica a famosa Paris
Antes de comentar sobre a viagem maravilhosa que fiz no final de semana passado a Paris, vou falar nesse tópico sobre o que eu pensava de Paris e o que ela realmente é! Lembram-se daquele ditado “Não podemos julgar um livro pela capa!”, pois, ele se encaixa perfeitamente a Paris. E, vou falar o porquê!
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Pirâmide Invertida do Louvre |
Quando pensamos em Paris, pensamos em Torre Eiffel, Museu do Louvre, Catedral Notre-Dame, lojas fantásticas, ou seja, pensamos sempre em coisas muito chiques que nos fazem pensar que Paris seria um perfeito lugar para viver! Não vou mentir, achei a cidade fantástica, ótimo lugar para conhecer, porém, o trânsito é caótico, linhas de metros confusas, condição dos metros ruins, preços altíssimos, um frio absurdo e são poucas as pessoas que te recebem bem e se importam com você.
Passei por vários momentos de tensão envolvendo pessoas estranhas tentando conquistar sua confiança para te enganar, pessoas que roubam carteiras em lugares lotados, pessoas que fingem serem surdas para pedir dinheiro e tudo o que em um país de primeiro mundo achei que não iria presenciar. Felizmente, em todas essas situações consegui sair ileso.
O mais engraçado foi o momento das mulheres surdas. Basta passar perto da torre Eiffel para ser abordado por inúmeras mulheres pedindo dinheiro dizendo serem surdas e mudas. No começo até cheguei a pensar “Nossa! Como pode haver tantas pessoas surdas em um só lugar! Será que o Instituto de Surdos e Mudos é aqui perto?!”, mas, depois de alguns minutos eu e meu amigo Raul conseguimos desvendar o mistério.
A primeira vez, a mulher começou a insistir tanto por uns trocados que meu amigo Raul puxou uma linguagem de sinais com a mulher, achei até engraçado, a mulher nem insistiu mais e deu as costas! Tenho certeza que o único sinal que ela sabia e sentiu vontade de fazer aquela hora é mostrar o dedo médio!
Esses pedintes são pessoas vindas de fora da França é por esse motivo que a maioria dos franceses sente repúdio por esse pessoal. Presenciei num metro um momento um tanto quanto chato, um francês meio louco viu um árabe sentado no metro e começou a xingá-lo de “filho da pura”, mandando-o voltar para o país dele e gritava isso repetidamente. Fiquei um pouco assustado pois outros franceses precisaram tirar esse louco do metro para evitar que houvesse maiores tumultos.
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Torre Eiffel |
Tirando todos esses episódios, a viagem foi perfeita. Conheci lugares incríveis e alguns chegavam a me arrepiar como a Pirâmide do Louvre e a Torre Eiffel, não pela sua grandiosidade mas pelo que significam para mim. Por exemplo, a pirâmide do Louvre me remete aos livros de Dan Brown com aquele suspense todo do começo ao fim, e a torre Eiffel, símbolo de Paris, concretizou o antigo sonho de estar ali frente a ela!
A critique of the famous Paris
Before commenting on the wonderful trip I made last weekend in Paris, will speak on this topic on what I thought of Paris and it really is! Remember the saying "We can´t judge a book by its cover!", because, it fits perfectly to Paris. And, I'll tell why!
When we think of Paris, think of the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, Notre-Dame, fantastic shoppings, we focus on things very chic that make us think that Paris would be a perfect place to live! I won´t lie, I found this great city, great place to meet, however, traffic is chaotic, confusing lines of subways, subway condition of the poor, high prices, a cold absurd and there are few people who welcome you and care about you.
I spent several tense moments involving strangers trying to earn your trust to deceive, people who steal wallets in crowded places, people pretending to be deaf to ask for money and all that in a first world country, I thought it would see. Fortunately, in all these situations could emerge unscathed.
The funniest moment was the women who are deaf. Just go near the Eiffel Tower to be approached by many women asking for money claiming to be deaf and dumb. At first I even think "Wow! How can there be so many deaf people in one place! Does the Institute for the Deaf and Dumb is near here? ", But after a few minutes I and my friend Raul could unravel the mystery.
The first time, the woman began to insist on a pittance so that my friend Raul pulled one sign language with the woman I thought was pretty funny, the woman insisted no more and turned away! I'm sure the only sign that she knew and felt like making the hour is to show the middle finger!
These beggars are people coming from outside of France is for this reason that most French people feel disgust at these people. I witnessed a moment in subway somewhat boring, a crazy Frenchman saw an Arab sitting on the subway and started swearing at him "Son of the pure," sending him back to his country and shouted it repeatedly. I was a little scared that other Frenchmen had to take this crazy subway there to prevent more riots.
Taking all these episodes, the trip was perfect. I met some amazing places and I shivered as they came to the Pyramid of the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower, not because of its size by but they mean to me. For example, the pyramid of the Louvre brings me to the books of Dan Brown with that whole suspense from beginning to end, and the Eiffel Tower, symbol of Paris, realized a lifelong dream to be there!
When we think of Paris, think of the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, Notre-Dame, fantastic shoppings, we focus on things very chic that make us think that Paris would be a perfect place to live! I won´t lie, I found this great city, great place to meet, however, traffic is chaotic, confusing lines of subways, subway condition of the poor, high prices, a cold absurd and there are few people who welcome you and care about you.
I spent several tense moments involving strangers trying to earn your trust to deceive, people who steal wallets in crowded places, people pretending to be deaf to ask for money and all that in a first world country, I thought it would see. Fortunately, in all these situations could emerge unscathed.
The funniest moment was the women who are deaf. Just go near the Eiffel Tower to be approached by many women asking for money claiming to be deaf and dumb. At first I even think "Wow! How can there be so many deaf people in one place! Does the Institute for the Deaf and Dumb is near here? ", But after a few minutes I and my friend Raul could unravel the mystery.
The first time, the woman began to insist on a pittance so that my friend Raul pulled one sign language with the woman I thought was pretty funny, the woman insisted no more and turned away! I'm sure the only sign that she knew and felt like making the hour is to show the middle finger!
These beggars are people coming from outside of France is for this reason that most French people feel disgust at these people. I witnessed a moment in subway somewhat boring, a crazy Frenchman saw an Arab sitting on the subway and started swearing at him "Son of the pure," sending him back to his country and shouted it repeatedly. I was a little scared that other Frenchmen had to take this crazy subway there to prevent more riots.
Taking all these episodes, the trip was perfect. I met some amazing places and I shivered as they came to the Pyramid of the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower, not because of its size by but they mean to me. For example, the pyramid of the Louvre brings me to the books of Dan Brown with that whole suspense from beginning to end, and the Eiffel Tower, symbol of Paris, realized a lifelong dream to be there!
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